Exeter Coast & Country Circuit



coast and country circuit logo

The calling of the Exeter, Coast & Country Methodist Circuit is to

respond to the Gospel of God's love in Christ and to

live out its discipleship in worship and mission



Circuit Website  http://exeterccmethodist.org.uk/

To see who will be leading worship in each of the churches in our circuit for the current 3 month period, either click on the link on our home page or go to the circuit website and select the PLAN tab.

Who are we?

The organisation for a group of twenty-one Methodist churches which make up the Exeter, Coast & Country Circuit. This Methodist Circuit is itself part of the Plymouth & Exeter District who consult with the national Methodist body called The Connexion. Visit www.methodist.org.uk for details of The Methodist Church in Britain.

The Circuit Leadership Team

The circuit leadership team meets regularly and consists of the presbyters, circuit stewards, and circuit treasurer. The circuit employs a circuit administrator, who works from the circuit office at The Mint Methodist Church, Exeter EX4 3AT . Contact can be made by phoning 01392 459733  or emailing exetermc@uwclub.net

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